
At Bridge Schools we have policies and procedures to help our Trust run smoothly. Set policies and procedures enable us to provide a high quality and consistent provision for our children. It also helps to support staff with guidance to handle situations as they arise.

A policy is a guiding principle used to set direction across our Trust, many of these are statutory. A procedure is a series of steps to be followed as a consistent and repetitive approach to accomplish an end result.

Policies for Bridge Schools are always being reviewed, as we learn lessons through experiences and as legislation changes nationally/locally. Policies are written to provide consistency across the Trust and support schools by using a coherent approach. Once reviewed and agreed by the Trust Board (or a Senior Leader), policies and procedures are available on the Trust Portal (internal platform) or the Trust Website (external platform) or the School Website (external platform), depending on the purpose of the policy.

Each policy relates to the aims of Bridge Schools and ties in with our vision.

Wherever possible, a set format is used, to provide stakeholders with a user friendly format. Policies include the purpose, what we want to achieve, what we do in school/central office and who does what, including monitoring and evaluating.

Where a Trust wide policy is used, central staff ensure this is populated across all school websites in the same format. Schools are responsible for cascading Trust policies and procedures to their stakeholders and updating their own websites appropriately with local information relevant to their own schools.


British Values Statement
At Bridge Schools we are committed to promoting fundamental British Values as set out by The DfE. These are defined as: ...


Charging and Remissions
The purpose of this policy is to set out the circumstances under which schools in the Trust will: • Levy a charge to par...


Child Protection and Safeguarding and Keeping Children Safe in Education
To provide a secure framework for all staff in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of those children who attend our s...


The Trust recognises that it needs procedures in place to handle any type of complaint which may be made against it irre...


Data Protection
To set the framework for Data Protection.


Governors Code of Conduct
This code sets out the expectations on and commitment required from all trustees and local governors, in order to achiev...


Low Level Concerns
Aim to create an open and transparent culture. Identify any concerning, problematic or inappropriate behaviour early;...


This policy is designed to enable employees of the Trust to raise concerns internally and at a high level and to disclos...



© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.